Wheelchairs and Transport Chairs

Affordable Medical Supply offers a wide variety of wheelchairs and transport chairs.

Wheelchairs and transport chairs come in all shapes and sizes.  Let our experienced and knowledgeable staff help you to determine the best type of chair for your specific needs.  

What is the difference between a wheelchair and a transport chair?


Wheelchairs and Transport Chairs     Transport Red










  • Wheelchairs have very large wheels in the back which allows the user to propel the chair themselves without assistance from anyone else.
    • The larger wheels also provide a smooth, more gentle ride.
  • Wheelchairs are generally meant for prolonged use and offer a variety of options that can be somewhat customized for each user
    • Users may choose Swing-Away Standard Footrests or Swing-Away Elevating Footrests
    • Users may choose from a variety of available arm styles
      • Flip Back Desk Arms
      • Height Adjustable Flip Back Desk Arms
      • Flip Back Full Arms
      • Height Adjustable Flip Back Full Arms
    • Users may choose their seat width and depth for total comfort
      • 16"W x 16"D (250lb Capacity)
      • 18"W x 16"D (250lb Capacity)
      • 20"W x 16"D (250lb Capacity)
      • 18"W x 18"D (300lb Capacity)
      • 20"W x 18"D (300lb Capacity)
      • 22"W x 18"D (400lb Capacity)
      • 24"W x 18"D (400lb Capacity)
  • Wheelchairs are generally much heavier than transport chairs (Approximately 34-55 pounds WITHOUT the leg rests attached)
  • Wheelchairs have a variety of accessories, such as Oxygen Tank Holders & IV Pole Attachments, that may further accommodate a user's needs.


    Wheelchairs and Transport Chairs    Wheelchair Elevating Leg Rest  Wheelchair Bariatric       Wheelchair Folded




  • Transport Chairs have 4 small wheels requiring the user to be pushed by a family member, friend, or caregiver.
    • All transport chairs are equipped with swing-away foot rests.
  • Transport Chairs are much smaller and narrower than standard wheelchairs
    • 17" & 19" seat widths are the standard sizes, making them narrow enough to fit through most doorways, hallways, and even airplane aisles.
    • They are very lightweight - weighing only about 20 pounds without the footrests.
  • 17" & 19" Transport Chairs have a 250 pound weight capacity
    • Available in a variety of frame colors: Red, Blue, Black, Green, Silver, Aqua, Pink
  • 22" & 24" Bariatric Transport Chairs have a 400 pound capacity (These sizes are special order items)
    • Silver Frame Only

Transport Red transport blue Transport Chair Folded Transport Pink   Transport Back





  • Affordable Medical Supply offers weekly and monthly wheelchair and transport chair rentals.  Contact us today for additional information and rental rates.


Other Items to Consider:

We stock a wide variety of pillows and cushions for your seating comfort. We are a proud supplier of the Nova Seat & Wheelchair Cushions.

We also supply a variety of portable wheelchair ramps an threshold ramps.  Contact Us today for more information



WC Ramp     Threshold RampRamp Trifold

Affordable Medical Supply
1833 North Circle Drive
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80909

Phone: (719) 632-4036
Toll-Free: (800) 837-4036
Fax: (719) 632-8172
Email: info@affordablemedmart.com